
Mahabharat: Episode 25

B.R Chopra's Mahabharat is a show that has left an indelible impression in the hearts and minds of viewers worldwide with its timeless values and teachings. This classic tale of the victory of good over evil is available exclusively on the Internet at Rajshri.com.Written by Brahmrishi Ved Vyasa, the ancient philosopher thinker who was known to be the fountain of all human knowledge, it has been translated into many languages and even presented in ballet form in far off western and oriental countries. But the MAHABHARAT is not an abstruse philosophical or religious tract. It encompasses all shades of human nature from the utterly base to the completely divine; its high point is Lord Sri Krishna's message to humanity, the Song Celestial the divine BHAGVAT GITA, acknowledged to be the quintessence of all knowledge embodied in the Hindu ethos.

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