संक्षिप्त परिचय(सुन्दर नगरी बुटवल)
[English]पश्चिमाञ्चल विकास क्षेत्रको मुलद्घारको रुपमा रहेको नेपालको प्राचीन एवं ऐतिहासिक केन्द्र बुटवल नगर लुम्बिनी अञ्चल, रुपन्देही जिल्लाको उत्तरी सिमानामा अवस्थित छ। यस ठाँउसंग गाँसिएका ऐतिहासिक गौरव गाथाले यस नगरको गरिमालाई अझ बढी महत्वपुर्ण तुल्याएको छ ।
समुद्री सतहबाट करिव १८३ मीटर उचाईमा अवस्थित यो शहरको तापमान अत्यधिक गर्मीमा ४५ र जाडोमा ८ डीग्री सेल्सीयस सम्म रहेको पाईन्छ ।
देशका प्रमुख राजमार्गहरु महेन्द्र राजमार्ग तथा सिद्घार्थ राजमार्ग को संगम स्थलका साथै २५ कि. मि. दक्षिणमा रहेको भारतीय नाकाको कारणले गर्दा औधोगिक, ब्यापारिक तथा अन्य विकासहरुका लागि पनि यस बुटवल नगरको राष्ट्रिय स्तरमै महत्वपूर्ण स्थान रहेको छ ।
समुद्री सतहबाट करिव १८३ मीटर उचाईमा अवस्थित यो शहरको तापमान अत्यधिक गर्मीमा ४५ र जाडोमा ८ डीग्री सेल्सीयस सम्म रहेको पाईन्छ ।
देशका प्रमुख राजमार्गहरु महेन्द्र राजमार्ग तथा सिद्घार्थ राजमार्ग को संगम स्थलका साथै २५ कि. मि. दक्षिणमा रहेको भारतीय नाकाको कारणले गर्दा औधोगिक, ब्यापारिक तथा अन्य विकासहरुका लागि पनि यस बुटवल नगरको राष्ट्रिय स्तरमै महत्वपूर्ण स्थान रहेको छ ।
विकास क्षेत्र - पश्चिमाञ्चल ।
अञ्चल - लुम्बिनी ।
अञ्चल - लुम्बिनी ।
जिल्ला - रुपन्देही ।
नगरपालिका - बुटवल ।
नगरपालिका - बुटवल ।
संसदिय निर्वाचन क्षेत्र नं. - ३
स्थापना वर्ष- २०१६।११।३
वडा संख्या - १५
न.पा.को क्षेत्रफल -७९५.१० हेक्टर (६९.२८ व.कि.)
वसोवास क्षेत्र - २५० हेक्टर ।
कृषि क्षेत्र - ९०० हेक्टर ।
बजार क्षेत्र - २०० हेक्टर ।
वन क्षेत्र - ५५६७.१७ हेक्टर ।
अन्य - १०३५.९३ हेक्टर ।
स्थापना वर्ष- २०१६।११।३
वडा संख्या - १५
न.पा.को क्षेत्रफल -७९५.१० हेक्टर (६९.२८ व.कि.)
वसोवास क्षेत्र - २५० हेक्टर ।
कृषि क्षेत्र - ९०० हेक्टर ।
बजार क्षेत्र - २०० हेक्टर ।
वन क्षेत्र - ५५६७.१७ हेक्टर ।
अन्य - १०३५.९३ हेक्टर ।
न.पा. भित्रको कूल जनसंख्या १०८७५५
स्थायी जनसंख्या - ७०२५७ र अस्थायी जनसंख्या - ३८४९८
स्थायी जनसंख्या महिला - ३४२११
स्थायी जनसंख्या पुरुष - ३६०४६
कूल पुरुष संख्या - ५३५१०
कूल महिला संख्या - ५५२४५
राष्ट्रिय जनगणना - २०५८ बमोजिम
स्थायी जनसंख्या - ७०२५७ र अस्थायी जनसंख्या - ३८४९८
स्थायी जनसंख्या महिला - ३४२११
स्थायी जनसंख्या पुरुष - ३६०४६
कूल पुरुष संख्या - ५३५१०
कूल महिला संख्या - ५५२४५
राष्ट्रिय जनगणना - २०५८ बमोजिम
जनसंख्या बृद्धिदर - ६.१५ प्रतिशत
पूर्व - देवदह गा.वि.स.
पश्चिम - पर्रोहा गा.वि.स.
उत्तर - दोभान गा.वि.स. -पाल्पा
दक्षिण - शंकरनगर गा.वि.स. तथा मोतिपुर गा.वि.स.
न्यूनतम तापक्रम ८ डिग्री सेल्सियस देखि
अधिकतम ४५ डिग्री सेल्सियस सम्म
पश्चिम - पर्रोहा गा.वि.स.
उत्तर - दोभान गा.वि.स. -पाल्पा
दक्षिण - शंकरनगर गा.वि.स. तथा मोतिपुर गा.वि.स.
न्यूनतम तापक्रम ८ डिग्री सेल्सियस देखि
अधिकतम ४५ डिग्री सेल्सियस सम्म
नगर क्षेत्र भित्रको बाटो
पक्की ३६ किलोमिटर
ग्राभेलिङ्ग १९ किलोमिटर
कच्ची ३४ किलोमिटर
पक्की ३६ किलोमिटर
ग्राभेलिङ्ग १९ किलोमिटर
कच्ची ३४ किलोमिटर
जम्मा ८९ किलोमिटर
पुनरावेदन अदालत, बुटवल
सरकारी विद्यालय मा.वि. - १०
निजी विद्यालय मा.वि. - २७
सरकारी नि.मा.वि. - ५
निजी नि.मा.वि. - २
सरकारी प्रा.वि. - ७
निजी प्रा.वि. - १५
उच्च मा.वि.१०+२ - ७
क्याम्पस सरकारी - १
निजी क्याम्पस - २
बसोवास गर्ने मुख्य जातिब्राम्हण, क्षेत्री, नेवार, गुरुङ्ग, मगर, ठकुरी, थारु, थकाली आदि ।
निजी विद्यालय मा.वि. - २७
सरकारी नि.मा.वि. - ५
निजी नि.मा.वि. - २
सरकारी प्रा.वि. - ७
निजी प्रा.वि. - १५
उच्च मा.वि.१०+२ - ७
क्याम्पस सरकारी - १
निजी क्याम्पस - २
बसोवास गर्ने मुख्य जातिब्राम्हण, क्षेत्री, नेवार, गुरुङ्ग, मगर, ठकुरी, थारु, थकाली आदि ।
धर्म हिन्दु, बौद्ध, मुस्लिम, शिख, क्रिश्चियन, आदि ।
महत्पूर्ण धार्मिक स्थल
महत्पूर्ण धार्मिक स्थल
सिद्धबाबा, गणेश मन्दिर, नारायणस्थान, राधाकृष्ण मन्दिर, कालिका मन्दिर, राममन्दिर, भुवनेश्वरी मन्दिर, बौद्ध गुम्बा, पद्यम चैत्य विहार आदि ।
ऐतिहासिक स्थलरामापिथेकस अवशेष स्थल, जितगढी किल्ला, मणिमुकुन्द सेन दरवार आदि ।
पर्यटकिय स्थल
मणिमुकुन्द सेन पार्क, हिलपार्क आदि ।
लुम्बिनी अंचल अस्पताल
सिद्धार्थ बाल तथा महिला अस्पताल
लुम्बिनी अंचल आयुर्वेदिक अस्पताल
लायन्स आंखा अस्पताल
लुम्बिनी नर्सिङ्ग होम
बुटवल हस्पिटल प्रा.लि.
पर्यटकिय स्थल
मणिमुकुन्द सेन पार्क, हिलपार्क आदि ।
लुम्बिनी अंचल अस्पताल
सिद्धार्थ बाल तथा महिला अस्पताल
लुम्बिनी अंचल आयुर्वेदिक अस्पताल
लायन्स आंखा अस्पताल
लुम्बिनी नर्सिङ्ग होम
बुटवल हस्पिटल प्रा.लि.
1:30 PM | Posted in About Butwal | Read More »
About Butwal
[Nepal]Lying at the very foot of Chure Pahad (Fragile Hills), Butwal (Nepali: बुटवल) is a large town in southern Nepal on the banks of Tinau river in Rupandehi District, in Lumbini Zone of which it is the adminisrative center. It is 240 kilometres west of Kathmandu and 22 kilometers north Rupandehi District headquarters Bhairahawa. Through highway and air links, Butwal connects western Nepal to the capital Kathmandu
has a highway connection to the Indian Border at Sunauli via towns Manigram, Bhalwari and Kotihawa.Butwal is one of the major gateways to Nepal.
The name Butwal is derived from the famous Batauli Bazar situated in the oldest district near the hills.
Historically Butwal connected Nepali people with their Indian neighbors. As the British East India Company annexed Awadh from its heriditory rulers while the Shah Dynasty attempted to annex the Terai, Butwal became one of bones of contention leading to the Gurkha War 1814-16.When King Tribhuvan fled from Nepal to India in 1950, he travelled through Butwal, then little more than a village on the western bank of Tilottama River (also popularly known as Tinau River). However with the construction through Butwal of Siddhartha Rajmarg from the border Sunauli to Pokhara and then the east-west Mahendra Rajmarg across the Terai, the village grew rapidly and developed into a modern township.
Archeological Significance
Fossils of ancient hominoids Ramapithecus were found near the Tinau (Tilottama) River as early as 1932, including 10.1 million year old dental bones.
The population of Butwal in 2008 was 3, 71,384. Most of the population consists of Pahari immigrants from nearby hill districts especially Palpa,Syangja,Arghakhachi,Parbat and Gulmi.There are also students,and Ex-Gorkha soldiers commonly called Lahure,and a significant Madheshi population.
significant Madheshi population.
Culture and religion
Hindus in the majority celebrate Holi, Teej, Maha Shivratri, Dashain, Tihar and Bhai Tika. Many Paharis go to their native villages during the the month from Dashain through Tihar and the town becomes nearly deserted.There are also Muslims of Terai origin.
The economy of Butwal centers around education, trade and transportation. Butwal has always been a major trading centre for Hilly area people from districts to the north ,as is evident from the establishement of Batauli Bazar at the edge of the hills in old Butwal.Presently the main trading centre is near Traffic Chowk. Numerous shops sell Chinese and Indian goods. Butwal also has small and medium scale manufacturers of woodwork,iron sheet,metaleware and aluminum sheet. There are rice mill including siddhababa ricemillAryal rice mill and sita rice mill.An influx of students from nearby hilly regions contributes to Butwal's economy. Additional income is remitted by expatriate Nepalese and from Gorkha sholders employed by the Indian and British Armies.
Like most of Nepal, buses are the most important means of transport with private operators offering service to various destinations. Until 2003 most of the fleet was older large buses. Since then the operatorhave added newer minibuses popularity called micro bus.older jeeps are used to take people to nearby hilly regions. Rickshaws are also a popular means of urban transport, however taxicabs are gaining popularity with growingaffluence.Motorcycles are common means of personal transpotiotion around the town.
Butwal has emerged as a major center of education in LumbiniZone.Butwal Multiple Campus affiliated with Tribhuwan University is the largest campus with more than 5000 student and classes in Art,Education,and Science.
Local schools affiliated with Pokhara University include:
■ Lumbini Engineering College
■ College Of Computer Technology
■ Tilottama Campus.
■ Butwal Technical Institute(Institute of Technology and Industrial Development)
■ Butwal Technical Institute(Institute of Technology and Industrial Development)
Local famous Schools
■ Siddhartha English Boarding School
■ Horizon English Boarding School
■ New Light bording high School
■ Parmount School
■ Smriti School
■ Everest School
■ Deep bording School
Private colleges offering courses for so-called +2 (two year post-secondary) and other courses in commerce and management include:
■ Shree Sungaba Public Higher Secondary School, Jharbaira
■ Lumbini Banijya Campus
■ Ram Mani Multiple Campus, Manigram
Private Renown College:
■ Achievers College: for Management, Hotel Management and BBS
■ Tilottama campus for science, management and BBA
■ Glorious College for science and management.
■ Oxford College for management and education.
■ New Horizon Institute
■ Manimukunda Higher Secondary
Ideal English Boarding High School is a private high school. There are various government high schools as well
■ Shanti Namuna Ma vi
■ Butwal Ma. Vi,
■ Shree Gautam Buddha High School, Kewlani.
and many more to come.
■ Butwal Zonal Hospital Government Hospital
■ AMDA Hospital specializes in women and children.
■ Butwal hospital pvt ltd. - private hospital
■ Lumbini Nursing Hospital - private hospital
■ Dr. Rajendra Sanjel Chhetri is a consultant in Butwal Zonal Hospital and specializes in Orthopedics.
Places of interest
Butwal Hill Park (Deepnagar)
This famous place was one of the historic for the people of Gurung community. This hill was called Gurung Dada before the hill park idea came into context, because Gurung people were buried here. But
Now it has been changed to view Butwal and nearby cities like Bhairahwa.This give good view of whole
Butwal in either side. It separates Butwal city into 2 parts. The big growing city on east with population
more than 45000 in small suburb (Deepnagar) with other parts of Butwal. You also can visit Aap Khola (mango river) popular among the residents of Butwal where people go for swimming and to collect water during drought.
Sidhha Baba Temple
This famous temple is located on hills at the border of Butwal Municipality. In fact the temple lies in Palpa. Devotees believe that Siddha Baba will grant their wishes, and whosoever's wishes are granted offers pigeons at the temple .On Saturdays, the weekly holiday in Nepal, large number of devotees from Butwal as well as nearby places visit the holy temple. Special
Phulbari (Manimukunda Park)
Phulbari, the winter palace of Palpali Sen clan is very fascinating from natural and archaeological values. There are ruins and antiquities of the majestic palace of Manimukunda Sen an ancient Palpali King containing 6 large rooms as well as royal residence, administrative and fascinating scenic grandeur Siddharthanagar and other neighbouring villages of Rupandehi district can be vividly seen from here at night also. His Majesty's Government, archaeological department has attempted to maintain it in 1991. Now Butwal municipality has formed council for the conservation of Manimukunda Sen Park to conduct Phulbari Development Programme and attempted to make it an amusing and a tourist resort.
Jitgadhi a fortress during Angol Nepal war, Narayan temple built by (1864 B.S.) Hanuman temple and
Shivalaya of Hanumagngadhi, Jalabinayak Mehadev temple, Siddababa temple, Nuwakot etc. are famous centres of attraction in Butwal.
Located about 12 km. west from Butwal and to North from Banakatti, Sainamaina as an open museum is very famous and fascinating resort from historical archaeological culture and natural points of view. Among the different Gramas villages of Shakya King, it was in the samgrama site. An Indian queen (Begam Hazrat Mahal of Oudh/ Awadh/ Lucknow) because of the British disturbance in her kingdom came to this area with her soldiers and porters (‘Sena’ and Mena’) and finally this area came to be known as Saina Maina. It is an exquisite treasure trove of ancient ruins and antiquities: statues of dancing saints, ruins of palace, well etc. The statue of Buddha(Jogidanda) was very significant different ruins of having the values of classical art are scattered here and there. This famous archaeological site is being occupied by homeless and landless people. Some of the antiquities of this site are seen thrown around the Lumbini museum.
1:01 AM | Posted in About Butwal | Read More »